Next LEPC Meeting
Date: January 16, 2024
Location: Calhoun County EMA
Last LEPC Meeting
Date: July 27, 2023
Time: 10:00 am
Calhoun County All-Hazards Planning Committee
How does the community plan for hazardous materials emergencies?
Calhoun County’s All-Hazard Planning Committee (AHPC) is a comprised of first responders, elected officials, concerned citizens, and industry representatives. The AHPC works to understand chemical hazards in our community and to prevent chemical accidents through education and planning. The AHPC helps create the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for the county. The AHPC meets bi-yearly to plan ways to better respond to a chemical accident. The AHPC also provides a forum to address other general issues related to emergency management in our community.
Any facility or business who uses, stores, manufactures, or transports one or more of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) designated Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) in amounts exceeding the Threshold Planning Quantity established by EPA, must report specific chemical inventory information to the State of Alabama, the All-Hazards Planning Committee, and the Fire Department whose jurisdiction the facility is located. Also, they must submit an emergency plan which details the procedures they are to take in the event that the chemicals present at their facility is released into the environment. The Calhoun County EMA is the repository for these documents for the All-Hazards Planning Committee.
If you have questions about hazardous chemicals or would like more information about the AHPC, contact the Calhoun County EMA at (256) 435-0540.
How can industries submit EHS (302), Tier ll, and other reports about hazardous materials?
Industries regulated under the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA), SARA Title III, may submit Tier II reports using the E-Plan system by visiting this link (E-Plan charges a fee for this service): www.erplan.net
For information from the Alabama Emergency Response Commission (AERC / SERC) on Alabama's submittal guidelines for EHS (302) and other requirements, visit their website at the Alabama Department of Enivronmental Management (ADEM) webpage: http://www.adem.state.al.us/moreInfo/saraIII.cnt
All Tier II reports submitted to the Calhoun County EMA must be submitted to tier2@calhounema.org