The Emergency Management Agency (EMA) of Calhoun County is implementing the Planning Partners Program. The purpose of Planning Partners is to provide a blueprint to help organizations prepare their people and places for emergencies. This program is in partnership with FEMA's Ready Business and Do1Thing organization.
The Planning Program provides participating organizations free and critical resources. This program also provides participants the opportunity to work with a local Emergency Management Professional to guide them through developing a preparedness and recovery plan.
Planning Partner topics include:
Local Situational Awareness Alerts and Updates
Checklists and information on how to prepare
Self-paced development of a Business Continuity Plan
Physical signage and electronic logo designating organization as Planning Partner
To successfully become a Preparedness Partner, organizations will complete a 12 step/month process and work alongside the Calhoun County EMA.
Each month you will choose ONE thing to help prepare your business for disaster.

Know Your Risks
January's Topic

How will you recover?
April's Topic

How will you communicate?
July's Topic

What does your insurance cover?
December's Topic
Planning Partners
No business will ever be disaster-proof. However, a business can be disaster resilient. This is the ability to withstand the impact of a disaster and continue as a strong, healthy organization.

Organizations in Calhoun County interested in learning more about becoming a Planning Partner can talk with an Emergency Manager by calling the Emergency Management Agency at: 256-435-0540 or emailing at