Currently in Calhoun County:
- 1,982 total cases
Cumulative cases since March
- 372 new cases and 4,458 tested in the past 14 days,
This is a moving total and represents all the new cases and tests reported to ADPH in the past 14 days.
- 35 current COVID-19 hospitalizations
This number is the most up-to-date number of COVID-19 positive patients currently in the hospital. This does not represent the total number of COVID-19 positive hospitalizations over
- 23 confirmed deaths
This is the cumulative number of deaths investigated and confirmed by ADPH.
Yesterday, Public Information Officer, Tiffany DeBoer, sat down with Director Michael Barton to discuss the importance of having a Personal Pandemic Plan as we start back to school.
It can be viewed on out Facebook page or YouTube.