In Calhoun County, the number of new cases per week and the percent positive has continued to increase. See graphs below for visual.
Total Cases: 5,896
Total Deaths: 133 (Some did not occur within the last week and had been under investigation by ADPH)
Risk Level: High
Positivity Rate: 15.41% (+1.1% from last week)
Average daily number of hospitalizations for the last 7 days: 35 (+4 from last week)
Images of charts and maps below:
Weekly totals have began to exceed our previous peak in August.
Calhoun County remains in the High Risk category according to the ADPH Risk Indicator
The percent positivity has increase by 1.1% from last week. It is currently 15.41%
Hospitalizations saw on avg 35 patients in house for the past week. This is up 4 from last week's average of 31. They have been able to maintain stable numbers, however, this is due to discharging patients. There are still admissions into the COVID unit almost daily.